Rivendells Lilla Hummus

Personal information
Sex Male
Color Red
Land of birth Швеция
Date of birth unknown
Registration # unknown
no information

No owner specified

VDH junior ch, greece junior winner -19, SDPV-19, SDPVJ-19, Kassel winner-19, Europasieger-19, Frujauhrsieger-19, Hannover jugend sieger-19, Annual trophy Junior winner-19

Katare's Mystery In Flames

EUW-19, C.I.B, Ch NORD, Ch Nordic, Ch FI, Ch DK, Ch SE, Ch NO, Ch SK, Ch GR, Ch CH, Ch EST, Ch LV, Ch LT, Ch Baltic, Ch MK, Ch Grand MK, Ch PL, Ch RO, Ch Grand RO, Ch BG, Ch RS, Ch BA, Ch ME, Ch Grand ME, NORDJW-15, NORDW-16, DKW-16, LTW-17, ALPENSG-17, FIW-17, RIGAW-18, TLNW-19, SEW-19, HRBSG19, VDHEUSG-19, ESTW-19, GRW-19, VDHATW-19, HRBSG-19, BDSG-19, NOW-19, HeW-19

Pinserella's Rinaldo Rosso

Ch FI, FI Vch, FI VW-21

Pinserella's Dark Velvet
Creator: Natalia Zorina, 19.02.2024 06:09 Editor: Natalia Zorina, 19.02.2024 06:10