Fiery De Star's All For The Glory

Personal information
Sex Female
Color Black and tan
Land of birth Норвегия
Age 11 years 10 months
Date of birth 28.05.2013
Registration # unknown
Eyes screened Free 04.06.14, 13.05.15, Patella0/0

CH Int, Ch DK, Ch FI, Ch SE, Ch NO, KBHV -11, SEW -15, CH Nord

Theneican's Maestoso

Ch INT, Ch SE, Ch NO, Ch VDH

Jaimy V. Majori's Donk

Ch INT, Ch DK, Ch NORD, NORD V-08, SE V-08, SE V-07, NO V-07

Theneican's Arctic Star

Ch INT, Ch RUS, Ch UKR, Ch MDA, Ch EST, Ch LV, Ch LT, Ch CZE, Ch POL, Ch.SVN, Ch.GRC, Ch.BGR, Ch.MCD, Ch.BALT, Ch.BALKAN, Ch.RKF, Grand Ch.UKR, Grand Ch.BGR, Grand Ch.MDA, J.Ch.RUS

Nasha Marka Dmitriy Donskoy
Creator: Ann Kristin Aandal, 19.07.2016 11:33 Editor: Ann Kristin Aandal, 19.07.2016 10:02