Личные данные
Пол Кобель
Окрас Рыжий
Страна рождения Великобритания
Дата рождения 22.05.1966
№ родословной не указан
нет информации

Владелец не указан

Дополнительное описание

Star was bred by Lionel Hamilton Renwick and was his first Champion. He won 16 C.C's and 16 Best of Breeds in the U.K. with 4 Group wins in 1968. He won Best Toy at Windsor under the great American judge Alva Rosenburg, who said the Star was the nearest to Casanova V. Kurt he has ever seen. Star's dam was sired by an imported son of Casanova. Star was later sent to South Africa where he has a profound influence of the breed despite being killed in a road accident not long after his arrival.

Создатель: Наталья Зорина, 02.09.2014 23:01 Отредактировано: Наталья Зорина, 02.09.2014 19:03